Friday, October 19, 2012

How to delete layers in Ax 2012:

How to delete layers in Ax 2012:
1. Go to Start-> Administrative tool-> Ax 2012 management shell
2. For example we want to delete user model so type following command:
axutil delete /layer: usr
3. and press enter and put y when prompt for confermation of deletion as shown in secrren shot

Note: Take the back up before exicuting this command and try this first on test server

Happy coding !!!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Enable or disable any report Section (header, Footer, Page Header, Page Footer etc.) by X++ in Ax 2009

As we know in report Section (header, Footer, Page Header, Page Footer etc) property does not exist visible node so we can do that from following code by writing this in fetch method according to the logic

        reportSection ='PageFooter');
        this.enablePageFooter(); // this is used to enable page footer
        this.disableSection(PageFooter);// used for Report section